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Our driving objective at UPTH is to become a world class quartenary hospital, using cutting edge technology and highly developed human resources to render excellent medical care/services to the good people of Rivers State and beyond in-order to markedly reduce the number of patients seeking medical tourism abroad.

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 UPTH hosts 45th THINCF Regular Meeting

UPTH hosts 45th THINCF Regular Meeting

The management of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching hospital (UPTH) received a delegation of THINCF who were in the hospital for it’s 45th regular meeting. The leadership of THINCF before receding for their meeting paid a courtesy call to…

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The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital treats well over 400,000 out-patients per annum, over 10,000 in-patients per annum and well over 3000 surgeries per annum.

Opening hours

Mon - Sun : 24hours Daily

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