In the world of healthcare, medical waste management is a critical and often overlooked aspect of patient care. To shed light on this vital area, final-year medical students from Madonna University embarked on a field trip to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital’s Medical Waste Incineration Center. During their visit, they were fortunate to receive a comprehensive lecture from Dr. Attamah Valentine, an expert in the field of waste management.

The field trip to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital’s Medical Waste Incineration Center and the lecture by Dr. Attamah Valentine were invaluable experiences for the final-year medical students from Madonna University. It illuminated the importance of proper waste management in healthcare and demonstrated the dedication of healthcare professionals in ensuring the safety of both patients and the environment. These students are now better equipped to carry this knowledge forward as they embark on their medical careers, promoting responsible medical waste management and better patient care.