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Our driving objective at UPTH is to become a world class quartenary hospital, using cutting edge technology and highly developed human resources to render excellent medical care/services to the good people of Rivers State and beyond in-order to markedly reduce the number of patients seeking medical tourism abroad.

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World Diabetes Day 2022

Endocrinology unit of Paediatrics Department, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital in collaboration with Society of Paediatrics and Adolescent Diabetes and Changing Diabetes in Children celebrated the World Diabetes Day 2022 by creating awareness, advocating for reduced cost of care for the children, and treating as many children as possible. Celebrating a condition that has no cure may seem insensitive, but we have seen many children who have come from the brinks of death following intervention with insulin and other management techniques.

The discovery of insulin many years ago paved a new wave of managing children and adults that could not survive without the medication. Today, artificial pancreas technology is being perfected by team of endocrinologists, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians in a bid to reduce the burden of carrying insulin and checking blood glucose and injecting insulin every 4 - 6 hours in a day. Many of our children with this condition live below $4 per day and have to survive with the insulin donated by Life for a Child foundation. As we keep trying our best to care for these children,

we pray our partners do not tire, our colleagues continue their bid in caring and promoting health and our patients keep up their good works of maintaining their blood glucose within normal range.

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The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital treats well over 400,000 out-patients per annum, over 10,000 in-patients per annum and well over 3000 surgeries per annum.

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