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Mon - Sun : 24hours Daily

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+2347010207377 +2348182692056

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About Us

Our driving objective at UPTH is to become a world class quartenary hospital, using cutting edge technology and highly developed human resources to render excellent medical care/services to the good people of Rivers State and beyond in-order to markedly reduce the number of patients seeking medical tourism abroad.

Contact Info


  Accreditation status:
 Accredited for both National Postgraduate
Medical College of Nigeria & West African
College of Surgeons.
Name of Head of Department: Prof. Bassey Fiebai.

Consultant Ophthalmologist.
Specialty in  Medical Retina.

 Department has ( 9 Consultants),  (6 Professors), (22 Residents Doctors),
(18 Nurses), (9 Optometrists), (4 Opticians), (26 Administrative staff).

 Biomedical Equipment include: Central Visual Field machine, Auto refractometer, Keratometer, Operating microscopes, Slit lamp biomicroscopes, Pekins tonometer.

Clinic days and time: The clinic runs from Monday through Friday. Both General Ophthalmology & Specialty clinics starts at 8am.

Mondays: Paediatric Ophthalmology Clinic/General Ophthalmology.
Tuesdays: Glaucoma Clinic/General Ophthalmology.
Wednesdays: Neuro-ophthalmology/Vitreo-retina/ Anterior Segment/Emergency.
Thursdays: General Ophthalmology Clinics

Fridays: Oculoplastics/General Ophthalmology.
We see an average of Five hundred and fifty patients weekly and about two thousand, two hundred patients monthly. We have about five admissions weekly.

Breakthroughs & Projections: We have had breakthroughs one of which is ocular muscle transplantation for the treatment of squint (half past four eyes) which is the first done in West Africa.
We look forward to having a World class ophthalmic centre where many specialized Surgeries and procedures will be performed.

For more details on the scope of work see

UPTH Service Charter.
For Protocol of service; see UPTH Service Charter.

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The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital treats well over 400,000 out-patients per annum, over 10,000 in-patients per annum and well over 3000 surgeries per annum.

Opening hours

Mon - Sun : 24hours Daily

©2022, UPTH All Rights Reserved
