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Our driving objective at UPTH is to become a world class quartenary hospital, using cutting edge technology and highly developed human resources to render excellent medical care/services to the good people of Rivers State and beyond in-order to markedly reduce the number of patients seeking medical tourism abroad.

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In a manner that has become a way to officially begin the year, the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital staff community gathered on the 11th of January 2023 for Rededication service. The non denominational service organised by the UPTH Chaplaincy in conjunction with the Management, had in attendance the Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Prof. Henry A A. Ugboma and his Management team .

The guest preacher Pastor Lawrence Okeke spoke on the topic 'God let your presence go with us' took his text from "Exodus 33:12 to 16" where he highligted on the importance of allowing God's presence to be made visible in UPTH as an institution.
The Chief Medical Director, Prof. Henry Ugboma in his remarks charge staff on the need for attitudinal change and to apply themselves to work. " It is not in the infrastructure, equipment, it is the people that work here that makes the difference".
The guest preacher Pastor Lawrence Okeke spoke on the topic 'God let your presence go with us' took his text from "Exodus 33:12 to 16" where he highligted on the importance of allowing God's presence to be made visible in UPTH as an institution.
The Chief Medical Director, Prof. Henry Ugboma in his remarks charge staff on the need for attitudinal change and to apply themselves to work. " It is not in the infrastructure, equipment, it is the people that work here that makes the difference".
He encouraged staff to maintain cordial relationship, attesting that there is room for growth in service, as he recalled his early days as a young Doctor and now the Chief Medical Director of the hospital.
Highlight of the rededication service were prayers offered for Management, staff and patients of the hospital.
The rededication service which is an annual event, held at the administrative block of the hospital.

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The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital treats well over 400,000 out-patients per annum, over 10,000 in-patients per annum and well over 3000 surgeries per annum.

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