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Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) Sensitization

The Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) continued her sensitization and awareness campaign to keep staff abreast of her mandate in ensuring the prohibition of corrupt practices in public service.

ACTU is the domiciled arm of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC) in government establishment as in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
It's mandate in ensuring Education and Enlightenment of public servants on, and against corruption necessitated the second sensitization campaign which followed a mobilization of staff attendance instituted through the office of the Director of Administration. The sensitization was well attended with staff attendance drawn across the Department and Units of the Hospital.
The gathering availed the ACTU team the opportunity to properly educate staff on her mandate, part of it, as stated by a member of the ACTU UPTH team; Okah Chris, while giving a talk says "to investigate and to make recommendations to the hospital management, and to ICPC”. He added that "ACTUs in MDAs have been effectively involved in the monitoring and evaluation of budget implementation and procurement processes with a view of guaranteeing compliance with the processes and guidelines".
Staff were enjoined not to offer, take or aid bribery and or engage in other full-time employments/ businesses while in government employ. The team informed attendees that Suggestion boxes have been provided for report and complaint to aid in the follow up and execution of mandate.
A question-and-answer section provided the visiting team from the parent ICPC team to clarify staff on issues regarding liable offences in the service.
This meeting is the second of its kind in furtherance of the ICPC campaign, the first was held on the 1st of September, 2022 with a different sect of staff from the initial attendees.

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The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital treats well over 400,000 out-patients per annum, over 10,000 in-patients per annum and well over 3000 surgeries per annum.

Opening hours

Mon - Sun : 24hours Daily

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